3M Daylight Redirecting Film

At the 3M Conference in Puerto Rico, 3M introduced its new product 3M Daylight Redirecting Film, which is intended to help create green buildings.  The 3M Daylight Redirecting Film uses micro-replication to redirect the light that would have originally hit the floor a few feet from the window.  The light is directed to go up to the ceiling and then be reflected off the ceiling to light the room as far as 40 feet from the window.  About 80% of the light is brought into the room.  This reduces the need for artificial light during the day.  The natural light coming into the room increases productivity, people buy more, and reduces the need for electric lighting.  This energy efficient new window film technology can be used in retrofitting as well as new construction.   It is generally a commercial window film. The Daylight Redirecting Film is installed on the south, east, and west facing windows and is installed above a sill height of 6 feet to keep the sunlight out of the eyes of the people in the building.  The appearance of the glass with the redirecting film has the appearance of frosted glass.  The window film still keeps out harmful UV rays and stops glare and fading.  Some of the same benefits could be gained by putting a shelf on the window frame that reflects the light.  This shelf is not very attractive and is difficult to clean.  The window film is attractive and can be cleaned like any other window.

3M Daylight Redirecting Film will increase the sustainability and tenant satisfaction of a building.  It can be an effective energy management tool.  For specific information on how to use this new technology, contact  a Solar Vision Inc. representative.