Window Tint

LOW-E Windows

You’ve probably heard of Low-E windows. This is not a new technology, and for the most part is code enforced throughout Colorado. Meaning if you were to build a home, remodel a home, or just replace your windows, many counties in Colorado are going to require windows with a U-Value/Factor. So just what is U-Factor? Well an Engineer would tell you:

U-FACTOR (THERMAL TRANSMITTANCE). The coefficient of heat transmission (air to air) through a building component or assembly, equal to the time rate of heat flow per unit area and unit temperature difference between the warm side and cold side air films (Btu/h · ft2 · °F) [W/(m2 · K)]

Low-E glass helps retain heat in the winter.

Or as I would say, the amount of heat finding the cool air via your glass in the winter, and just the opposite in the summer. Remember the cookie smell example in your middle school science class? When baking cookies the warm air will continue to permeate a room or your whole house as that warm air finds the cooler air, which is why your house smells so good when you bake cookies!

With heating and cooling, the exact same thing is happening, in the winter, the heat in your home will try to move through your glass to find the cooler air. This is where Low-E/U -Factor windows come into play. They add protection to your glass, making it more difficult for that warm air to escape through your windows. Generally when we think of Low-E, we think of retaining heat, but the same is true with cool air. In the summer the U-Factor, can help retain your cool air as well.

Adding Window Film will reject optimal amounts of solar heat, and UV Rays.

While society is moving in a direction to make all windows Low-E, we aren’t quite there yet, and don’t all have Low-E Glass. Because there are some windows still lacking in this area there are options to add this to your homes windows, without replacing the glass. A few film manufacturers have U-Value rated film. However some of these films tend to be a super reflective, and not very attractive. Most of these films will not make it past your convenance. There are a couple options that will, but unfortunately due to the warranty issues with Low-E window film, along with their low availability Solar Vision Inc. does not market or sell these products.

Luckily most of us already have U-Value added to our glass. And while this thermal insulation is great, building codes for solar heat gain are still relatively low, meaning while your Low-E glass is helping insulate your home, it doesn’t reject as much heat as we’d like. Which means Window Film is still very much needed, especially in Colorado where our homes can heat up quick even in the winter due to our powerful sun rays. Also, Low-E windows do not block 99% of UV rays either, which is another benefit of window film. Long story short, adding a solar window film to your Low-E windows might create the perfect window.

Adding Window Film to your Low-E windows eliminate 99% of UV-Rays and can lower your solar heat gain.

Call Solar Vision Inc. today for details and pricing on our solar control window film products. And visit our understanding window film data blog to familiarize yourself with all the glass specifications. This is really helpful information if you’re in the market for window film, or new windows.

Call Solar Vision Inc. 303-862-6376


Call Solar Vision Inc. 303-862-6376 〰️

What to Expect This Summer

Ivan and Julian out on a job site. Hopefully they can ditch these mask soon!

Ivan and Julian out on a job site. Hopefully they can ditch these mask soon!

Wow! 2021 is already off to a crazy start. Business is up, but product delays are up too, and Labor is down. What does this mean to our customers? Hopefully nothing. Our plan is to be prepared to offer you our same services regardless of the crazy impacts the economy and supply chain have produced this year.

In the window film industry we’ve been lucky enough to not have too many material delays, and while procuring additional team members hasn’t been easy, we’re doing our best to complete as many projects as possible, while meeting our quality standard guidelines.

The most important thing to keep in mind as a customer is timing. Really think about when you would like your project to be completed. Window Film Installations will probably start booking about 4 weeks out come mid summer.

If you’re hoping to get your windows done to cool off your home or office before the summer ends, there are ways to speed up the process. You can start by getting a virtual estimate. Many window film companies can get a virtual estimate back to you within 24 hours. All you need to do is send over pictures, and window sizes, and a company like Solar Vision can get a price back to you quite quickly. If you have difficult to reach windows, are looking to add exterior film, or have French Panes, a site visit may still be required, however that can be worked out after you’ve received an estimate and are ready to move forward. See our Guide to Measuring your windows bulletin for information on what to send over.

Once you’ve received an estimate and are good on the pricing, it’s best to go ahead and get yourself on the installation schedule. We’ll send you samples to review, and if you are not quite sure which film you’d like at the time of scheduling, you’ll have a little bit of time to decide once you’re on the schedule.

If you want an in-home estimate, no problem. We’ll always try to get to your home or office for an estimate no more than a week out, with ASAP being the goal. There are a few of us here at Solar Vision that conduct onsite estimates, and we work together to ensure a timely site visit for our customers.

Window Film is in higher demand than ever, and we are super excited about that. However we want to ensure that this high demand doesn’t result in inferior customer service or quality. We’ll be working hard this summer, and year round to ensure our customers will continuously receive the exceptional Solar Vision Inc. service we are accustomed to providing.

Contact Solar Vision Inc. @ 303-862-6376 or at

Why Exterior Film?

One of the questions we get the most as a window film company is “does it go on the outside or inside”? Our answer is “both”! Generally window film is applied to the interior portion of your glass. This is great for durability, and access, and while interior window films perform great, sometimes they’re just not enough, and that’s where exterior film comes into play.

Exterior window film can be a great option for a couple of reasons. The number one is performance! Exterior film reduces the heat in its tracks. The heat is absorbed prior to even hitting your glass. Since the heat is absorbed on the first surface, this significantly reduces if not eliminates any potential glass breakage, while absorbing a drastic amount of heat. Another great use for exterior film is access. Skylights, and other hard to reach windows might not be accessible from the interior.

At Solar Vision Inc., our favorite product is 3M Exterior Prestige Window Film. 3M Exterior Window Films offer great performance, and come with up to a 15 year warranty. 3M Exterior Prestige Window Film is designed to last, and will keep your home or building cool, and comfortable for years to come.

Click here for 3M Exterior Prestige Technical Details!

3M Prestige Exterior 40 (PR40X) applied to first floor windows at this apartment complex to reduce heat in gym area.

3M Prestige Exterior 40 (PR40X) applied to first floor windows at this apartment complex to reduce heat in gym area.

3M PR40X can enhance the look of your home or building.

3M PR40X can enhance the look of your home or building.

Window Film and Water

Most windows films are applied using a solution of soap and water. The adhesives of window film are on the film. To activate the adhesives they need to be completely soaked with water, making water one of the most important aspects of a good window film installation, well that, and a great Installer.

Because water is so important, Solar Vision Inc. has decided to partner with Culligan Water to ensure we are only using the best water on the market for our window film installations. Our in-shop water filtration system uses reverse osmosis, and softening to ensure the cleanest install possible. 

Water can be different all over town depending on the city you live in. Some cities have very hard water which can leave a haze on your glass, and make the install very difficult, by using purified Culligan water straight from our shop, our installs are consistent, no matter what part of Colorado you are from. 

A good film install starts with a great Installer, the best window film on the market, and Culligan Water. 

A good film install starts with a great Installer, the best window film on the market, and Culligan Water. 

This little co-branded contraption is a pressurized water tank used for installing window film. 

This little co-branded contraption is a pressurized water tank used for installing window film. 

Home Window Tinting

It's that time of year again, it's starting to warm up, and the sun is staying out longer. There are many reasons to have film added to your homes windows, but the number one concern we hear from our customers is heat. In spite of our best efforts…air conditioning, blinds, curtains, it still might not be enough! This is where home window tinting can help.

Home window tinting can lower your overall utility cost by blocking up to 50% of the heat entering through your homes windows, and since the film is absorbing that heat you can leave the blinds open longer. Think about it, why have windows in the first place if the blinds are closed, and the curtains are drawn all day, we might as well build windowless homes. That'd be super-efficient, but not very attractive. Adding a 3M solar control window film to your homes windows will allow you to open the curtains and enjoy your natural light and views again.

Other benefits of home window tinting are less fading, and less glare. We spend so much time choosing furniture, flooring, and window coverings, it would be a shame to allow all of those costly items to deteriorate quickly. Adding a 3M solar control window film to your homes windows will drastically slow down the fading and damage caused by UV Rays. Think of what the sun’s rays can do to your skin? They cause the same damage to your home and furnishings, only much quicker.

Home window tinting can also drastically reduce the glare in your home. If you have glare issues and trouble seeing your computer screen, or worse yet your television, our 3M solar control window films can help with that too.

There are many reason to add 3M window film to your home. It's a no brainer, call Solar Vision Inc. 303-862-6376 today for a free estimate, and learn how you can cool off your home, protect your furniture, and reduce glare.


3M Prestige 50 window film application in Morrison, CO.

3M Prestige 50 window film application in Morrison, CO.