3M Fasara San Marino Film

3M Fasara Milky Milky (San Marino) Film SHMAMM (solutions.3m.com) was used on this restaurant in the newly renovated Union Station in downtown Denver.  San Marino film can add privacy or in this case a decorative accent.  The film on the glass gives just the right touch to add to the ambiance of the restaurant. 3M Fasara Glass Finishes come in 50+ designs.  Fasara provides the advantages of etched, sandblasted and textured glass at a fraction of the cost.  When styles change or occupants change, the film can be removed.  The window can remain plain or a new type of design can be applied to the window.  This can be done at a much smaller cost than replacing  windows.

Benefits Include:

  • Beauty of the glass is enhanced by transforming plain glass into the look of cut or textured glass.
  • The amount of privacy provided can be tailored to the clients needs.
  • The film is easily applied and is beautiful and durable.
  • The film is constructed of durable and flexible polyester.
  • The glass can be cleaned like any other window after 30 days.

    3M Fasara Milky Milky